The Story Begins:
On March 5, 2010, Lauren Bates was born at 28 weeks gestation and weighed 2 lbs. 12 oz. Lauren spent the first 52
days of her life at the NICU. Her parents, Rusty and Kristin Bates spent many hours in the NICU with her. It was during that time that the idea of Playing For Preemies was created. The specialize care from the doctors and nurses, as well as the equipment was very expensive. Playing For Preemies would be a way to give back. They were so grateful for the work that goes on at the NICU and were excited about the opportunity to give back to such a great groups of people.
The Story Continues:
On July 18 , 2016, Emma Kate Shannon was born at 25 weeks gestation and weighed 1 lb. 7 oz. Emma Kate spent the first 88 days of her life at the NICU. Emma Kate is now at home and doing great. Her parents, Adam and Dru Shannon were friends with the Bates'. Kristin and Dru grew up together and lived together in early adulthood. The Shannon's were so grateful for the NICU staff that took such good care of their daughter and wanted to join the cause. Adam came up with the idea of the golf tournament and the rest is PFP history.
On July 1, 2018, Playing For Preemies Inc. became a 501c3 Non-Profit. All proceeds to The Huntsville Hospital Foundation in Huntsville, Alabama.